


Workshop invitation: Nanoparticles and Health, 24-25.6.2014 Oulu

The 2nd CHEMPACK workshop "Nanoparticles and Health" at the University of Oulu is organized June 24-25, 2014.

Workshop themes are:
Nanoparticles in our environment
Monitoring the health status of cells
Nanoparticle monitoring
Effects of particles on cells
Effects of particles on humans

Please, sign up for the workshop by sending e-mail to Niina Halonen () University of Oulu before 9th of June, 2014

Workshop is free of charge. 

The workshop has financial support from NGS-Nano and INFOTECH.


Download the preliminary program:

Liite Koko
The 2nd CHEMPACK workshop at the University of Oulu 2014 05 21.pdf 150.06 Kt
