Burning coal for domestic heating may contribute to early fetal death according to a new study by experts from The Saban Research Institute of Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia – the coldest capital city in the world.
25. Huhtikuu, 2014
Burning coal for domestic heating may contribute to early fetal death according to a new study by experts from The Saban Research Institute of Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia – the coldest capital city in the world.
Kategoria: Uutisvinkit
8. Huhtikuu, 2014
Maailman terveysjärjestö WHO julkaisi maaliskuun lopulla raportin jonka mukaan joka kahdeksas ennen aikainen kuolema johtuu ilmansaasteista. Tämä luku on enemmän kuin kaksinkertainen aikaisempiin arvioihin.
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Kategoria: Uutisvinkit
24. March, 2014
Yle ja Green Car Congress siteeraavat Rönkkö et al. julkaisua “Vehicle Engines Produce Exhaust Nanoparticles Even When Not Fueled” (Environmental Science & Technology, 2014) omissa julkaisuissaan.
Kategoria: Uutisvinkit
21. February, 2014
While taking in the scenery during long road trips, passengers also may be taking in potentially harmful ultrafine particles (UFPs) that come into the car through outdoor air vents. Closing the vents reduces UFPs, but causes exhaled carbon dioxide to build up.
Kategoria: Uutisvinkit
3. February, 2014
Last week, a team of scientists, which included Argonne’s David Streets, a senior energy and environmental policy scientist, published research showing that several different air pollutants from China reach the shores of the western United States.
Kategoria: Uutisvinkit
24. Tammikuu, 2014
Good health and personal registers in combination with model calculations of air pollution down to an individual address has helped Danish researchers to become among the very best in the world to detect harmful diseases deriving from polluted air.
Kategoria: Uutisvinkit
24. Tammikuu, 2014
Long-term exposure to particulate matter is associated with an increased risk for heart attack. Moreover, this association can already be observed in levels of particulate exposure below the current specified European limit values.
Kategoria: Uutisvinkit
8. Tammikuu, 2014
These compounds were not previously known to exist, and raise additional concerns about the health impacts of heavily-polluted urban air or dietary exposure. It’s not yet been determined in what level the compounds might be present, and no health standards now exist for them.
Kategoria: Uutisvinkit
7. Tammikuu, 2014
A new idea to cut back on air pollution: spray water into the atmosphere from sprinklers atop tall buildings and towers, similar to watering a garden. This suggestion comes from Shaocai Yu of Zhejiang University in China, and North Carolina State University in the US.
Kategoria: Uutisvinkit
29. November, 2013
Study shows why pollution results in larger, deeper and longer lasting storm clouds, leading to colder days and warmer nights
Kategoria: Uutisvinkit