


Aktiivisen sivun päivitykset suoraan RSS-lukijaasi.

New compounds discovered that are hundreds of times more mutagenic

These compounds were not previously known to exist, and raise additional concerns about the health impacts of heavily-polluted urban air or dietary exposure. It’s not yet been determined in what level the compounds might be present, and no health standards now exist for them.


To curb China’s haze and air pollution, use water

A new idea to cut back on air pollution: spray water into the atmosphere from sprinklers atop tall buildings and towers, similar to watering a garden. This suggestion comes from Shaocai Yu of Zhejiang University in China, and North Carolina State University in the US.


Lingering clouds - Microphysical effects determine macrophysical response for aerosol impacts on deep convective clouds

 Study shows why pollution results in larger, deeper and longer lasting storm clouds, leading to colder days and warmer nights


Suomalaislaitteilla kyettiin määrittämään kasvavien pienhiukkasten koostumus CERNin kammiokokeissa

Tutkimus tehtiin osana CLOUD (Cosmics Leaving OUtdoors Droplets) -projektia Euroopan hiukkasfysiikan tutkimuskeskus Cernissä. Suomesta projektiin osallistuvat Ilmatieteen laitoksen lisäksi Helsingin ja Itä-Suomen yliopistot.


Climate change scientists must turn their attention to clean skies

 Natural aerosols, such as emissions from volcanoes or plants, may contribute more uncertainty than previously thought to estimates of how the climate might respond to greenhouse gas emissions.


Suomen ilmassa vain vähän saasteita

Ilmansaasteiden määr ovat monin paikoin Euroopassa edelleen vaarallisen korkeat, ilmenee Euroopan ympäristöviraston (EEA) vuosittaisesta raportista.


IARC: Outdoor air pollution a leading environmental cause of cancer deaths

The specialized cancer agency of the World Health Organization, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), announced that it has classified outdoor air pollution as carcinogenic to humans (Group 1).

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A web portal about climatic effect of black carbon is open

The new -portal includes general information about black carbon, its emissions and its climatic effects.


Uutta tietoa dieselpäästön hiukkasista

Dieselpäästön nukleaatiohiukkaset voivat olla osin haihtumattomia ja sähköisesti varattuja. Sähköisesti varautuneet, haihtumattomat nukleaatiohiukkaset syntyv jo polttomoottorissa, polttokammion lähellä, osoittaa väitöskirjassaan filosofian maisteri Tero Lähde.


A new look at air pollution sources and atmosphere-warming particles in South Asia

When Rajan Chakrabarty, Ph.D., an assistant research professor at the Desert Research Institute, began looking into the regional inventories of human-produced sources of carbon aerosol pollution in South Asia, considered to be a climate change hot spot, he knew something was missing.
